Sermons by “Josias Hansen”

Intro to I Corinthians

As we embark on a new series on I Corinthians, Josias gives a little informercial on why studying I Corinthians together will be particularly helpful for our community. Then the Bible Project’s video on I Corinthians was shown in order to give the general background and outline of Paul’s letter to the Corinthian Christians.

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Our Morning Focus

The way we start our day is incredibly important. It can set the entire trajectory for the rest of the day. The Third Way community is embarking on a new journey together by sharing a collective rhythm of daily spiritual practices formed around the Lord’s Prayer. The goal is to daily open ourselves up to God’s influence and transforming power. Our morning focus within the rhythm is centered on “Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.” As a community, we want to use a portion of our mornings to worship God and invite God to direct our day so that God is glorified.

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Time Reorientation

We often find ourselves believing that we just don’t have time to connect with God. We think we’re just too busy to experience God’s transforming power in our lives. Josias interviews two Franciscan Brothers of Peace to learn how their daily orientation around prayer has affected their experience of spiritual transformation. This sort of daily orientation around connecting with God will further be developed as we explore a very accessible, collective rhythm of prayer during our Lent series.

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Costly Incarnation

The incarnation required Christ to pay an immense cost by leaving his heavenly position and emptying himself of limitless power in exchange for mortal flesh, earthly limitations, and the human experience of pain and loss. He came not as kings typically come with pomp and power, but instead, as a vulnerable baby, in the most humble of circumstances. Paul uses this image in the Christ Hymn found in Philippians 2 not just to praises this act, but also to encourage Christ followers to walk in the loving way of Jesus, emptying ourselves for the sake of others.

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Joseph had many opportunities to take the easy road before and after he said yes to participating in Christ’s story. He risked his reputation, his career, and even his very life on his journey of humble obedience to God, but in the end, he knew it was worth it. When Christ invites us into his story, its not always easy; its actually quite costly, but its always worth it! Just like Joseph, we too are invited into Christ’s story, and when the journey gets tough, we know that no matter the cost, its always worth it.

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Covenant Life – Josias Hansen

Faith, just like life, was never meant to be experienced alone. We need one another for encouragement and accountability. Yet, for many Christians today, personal encouragement and accountability is easily lost. Within the Kingdom, we are brought into a covenant family where we invite one another to lovingly challenge and encourage us to remain faithful to our covenant and to Jesus’ kingdom way of life.

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Sharing and Stewardship – Josias Hansen

As kingdom people, we are not to see our time and resources as our own to be spent on anything we please. Instead, we believe everything belongs to God, and we are called to be faithful stewards of everything at our disposal. Therefore, instead of using our time and resources to build our own individual kingdoms, God calls us to seek the benefit of God’s kingdom first, trusting that our own needs will also be met in the process.

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Fiery Furnace – Josias Hansen

The story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego has inspired countless martyrs to remain faithful to their convictions in the face of horrific persecution. Yet, the faithfulness of God must be seen as the central focus in this story. We can remain faithful, because we know that God will remain faithful to us through it all.

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Now What? Pentecost – Josias Hansen

Since the Spirit was poured out on the church at Pentecost, it is known as the birthday of the church. On this Pentecost birthday, Josias and others share personal stories of the Spirit at work in their lives.

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Now What? Share – Josias Hansen

After Jesus’ ascension, the earliest Christians carried on Jesus’ mission through mutual care, communal spirituality, and intentional sharing of their lives and resources.

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