Sermons in “Now What?”

Now What? Pentecost – Josias Hansen

Since the Spirit was poured out on the church at Pentecost, it is known as the birthday of the church. On this Pentecost birthday, Josias and others share personal stories of the Spirit at work in their lives.

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Now What? Engage – Chris Senkler

If God distributes the Holy Spirit generously upon all flesh, then what do we do when Spirit-filled Christians disagree? Chris Senkler digs into this question by looking into the the Jerusalem Council in Acts 15.

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Now What? Invitation and Inclusion – John Murray

John Murray encourages us to be an invitational church that has room to include others that may not think or act like us. He draws from Peter’s experience with Cornelius to show that the Spirit can miraculously open us up to include others into our lives and communities.

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Now What? Share – Josias Hansen

After Jesus’ ascension, the earliest Christians carried on Jesus’ mission through mutual care, communal spirituality, and intentional sharing of their lives and resources.

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Now What? Prayer – Terri Churchill

After Jesus ascended into heaven, his disciples were left asking the question, “Now What?” In this sermon, Terri shows that the early church chose to devote themselves to prayer as their source for empowerment and wisdom.

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Now What? (The Birth of the Church) – Terri Churchill

After Jesus died, was raised from the dead and then ascended to heaven, his disciples were left wondering, “Now what!?!” Jesus didn’t spell out exactly what was next for them, but he was clear that the Holy Spirit would be crucial to their on going mission as the church. Now 2000 years later, the church still must look to the Holy Spirit when we’re asking, “Now what?” We learn that the Spirit not only brought the church to life in Acts, the Spirit continues to sustain and direct the church to accomplish its mission in the world.

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