Sermons on “Bearing God's Spirit”

Now What? Pentecost – Josias Hansen

Since the Spirit was poured out on the church at Pentecost, it is known as the birthday of the church. On this Pentecost birthday, Josias and others share personal stories of the Spirit at work in their lives.

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Now What? Engage – Chris Senkler

If God distributes the Holy Spirit generously upon all flesh, then what do we do when Spirit-filled Christians disagree? Chris Senkler digs into this question by looking into the the Jerusalem Council in Acts 15.

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Light – Terri Churchill

For our first Sunday of Advent, Terri reflects on our hunger for the light of Christ.

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Moving from Law to Love – Josias Hansen

Josias makes the point that Jesus did not simply make a new law. The context surrounding Jesus’ teaching on the Law points to the fact that what Jesus taught and enacted was far different from and far greater than the Mosaic law.

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Embodying The Spirit – Josias Hansen

Josias Hansen shares the biblical and historical roots of what it means for the church to be the Body of Christ.

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Continuous Renewal – Josias Hansen

Josias Hansen expresses the need for continual renewal and asks the congregation to participate in “Preach to the Preacher,” where the church studies the Scriptures together and calls individuals to give mini-sermons based on what they discovered.

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Mary’s Yes – Terri Churchill

Terri Churchill takes us through the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary within Luke 1:26-38. She shows how Mary’s YES to accept the role of being pregnant with God should inspire us to make the same affirmation today, to be pregnant with God’s Spirit.

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