Sermons on “Community”

God on Mission

Bryan details his work with Novo in the Hamline-Midway neighborhood with thoughts on how we can effectively focus on serving our neighbors.

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Deep Water

Peter had been fishing all night with nothing to show for it when Jesus asked him if he could preach from his boat. Then he told him to row out to deep water. How do we cope when God invites us to painful and difficult ministry when we’re already exhausted? Terri shares about Luke 5:1-11 from the perspective of her current life circumstances. ***The first part of this sermon didn’t get recorded so we added the text for you to read.***

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1 Corinthians 11: 17 -34

Paul addresses a class division and lack of generosity in the Corinthian church which is dishonoring their practice of the Lord’s Supper. Bonnie delved into the situation at Corinth, the meaning of communion, and our responsibility to those in need, especially within the church.

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Third Way Collective Rhythm Introduction

This lent, Third Way is focusing on establishing a collective rhythm to pray through each day based upon The Lord’s Prayer. Terri introduces the importance of approaching this work as a corporate body rather than a collection of individuals, and then helps us think through how habits are formed and sustained.

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Family – Chris Senkler

Chris examines what the Bible and the historical Church had to say about what it means to be a part of the Family of God.

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Covenant Life – Josias Hansen

Faith, just like life, was never meant to be experienced alone. We need one another for encouragement and accountability. Yet, for many Christians today, personal encouragement and accountability is easily lost. Within the Kingdom, we are brought into a covenant family where we invite one another to lovingly challenge and encourage us to remain faithful to our covenant and to Jesus’ kingdom way of life.

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Now What? Engage – Chris Senkler

If God distributes the Holy Spirit generously upon all flesh, then what do we do when Spirit-filled Christians disagree? Chris Senkler digs into this question by looking into the the Jerusalem Council in Acts 15.

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Now What? Share – Josias Hansen

After Jesus’ ascension, the earliest Christians carried on Jesus’ mission through mutual care, communal spirituality, and intentional sharing of their lives and resources.

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Here Is Your Son – Terri Churchill

One of the last things Jesus did while on the cross was to make sure his disciples took care of his mother. This was a sign that the church is not an event or a loose affiliation, but a family who cares for one another as kin.

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A Very Loving Father and His Two Imperfect Sons – Kim Becker

By looking at the parable of the prodigal son, Kim shows that the kingdom of God is not structured around boundary lines that designate who’s in and who’s out. Instead, the kingdom is centered on Christ, and individuals are to be oriented not toward boundary lines, but toward Jesus. As these false boundary lines are erased, loving relationships can be experienced by individuals who may not have the same beliefs or lifestyle. This love is
reflective of God’s generous and forgiving nature portrayed in the parable through the father’s love for his two imperfect sons.

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