Sermons on “Prayer”

Prayer Without Words

An interactive message exploring the concept of prayer without words.

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Third Way Collective Rhythm Wrap-up

Terri reviews our Third Way Collective Prayer Rhythm, shares how this practice has looked for her, and invited the community to share their stories and ask any questions they might have.

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The final part of our collective prayer rhythm involves reflecting on our day with a focus on forgiveness. When Jesus taught us to pray, he placed a special emphasis on our responsibility to forgive as a response to the forgiveness we have received from God. Terri walks us through an evening prayer practice to help us with this difficult practice.

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Bonnie introduced Part Two of the Third Way Collective Rhythm, which focuses on our work. It is linked to the second section of the Lord’s Prayer (“Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”). The prayer for this portion is, “Lord, may your will be my will today, in everything I do and with everyone I meet.”

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Our Morning Focus

The way we start our day is incredibly important. It can set the entire trajectory for the rest of the day. The Third Way community is embarking on a new journey together by sharing a collective rhythm of daily spiritual practices formed around the Lord’s Prayer. The goal is to daily open ourselves up to God’s influence and transforming power. Our morning focus within the rhythm is centered on “Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.” As a community, we want to use a portion of our mornings to worship God and invite God to direct our day so that God is glorified.

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Third Way Collective Rhythm Introduction

This lent, Third Way is focusing on establishing a collective rhythm to pray through each day based upon The Lord’s Prayer. Terri introduces the importance of approaching this work as a corporate body rather than a collection of individuals, and then helps us think through how habits are formed and sustained.

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Now What? Prayer – Terri Churchill

After Jesus ascended into heaven, his disciples were left asking the question, “Now What?” In this sermon, Terri shows that the early church chose to devote themselves to prayer as their source for empowerment and wisdom.

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Psalms For A New Year – Terri Churchill

Terri reflects on the events of the last year, both the good and the bad, and shows that the Psalms are a great biblical example of how to praise God as we recollect the past blessings, difficulties and atrocities.

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Ask Seek Knock – Josias Hansen

When Jesus teaches that we are to ask, seek, and knock, he is not talking about getting material possessions from God. He’s talking about the kingdom. If we want God’s kingdom, God is ready to give it. He won’t trick us, nor force feed it to us, but his desire is that we receive it, find it and enter it.

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Feasting Through Fasting – Josias Hansen

Josias shows that God is not wanting us to suppress our hedonistic desires, but to correctly aim them to find their ultimate fulfillment in God. Thus, when we fast, it is not simply a practice of self-denial, but rather a time for our souls to feast upon the goodness of God.

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