Sermons by “Terri Churchill”

Knowing and Staying

God knows us intimately, both our thoughts and actions, and despite this intimate knowing, will never abandon us. This is the kind of love God has demonstrated, and its the kind of love that we are invited into.

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Dangerous New Wine

Jesus got in trouble quite a bit for the company he kept and the religious rules he disregarded. In this passage, Jesus talks about the incompatibility of an obsession with how things look / religious rule-keeping and authentic faith that dares to be scandalized for love.

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Deep Water

Peter had been fishing all night with nothing to show for it when Jesus asked him if he could preach from his boat. Then he told him to row out to deep water. How do we cope when God invites us to painful and difficult ministry when we’re already exhausted? Terri shares about Luke 5:1-11 from the perspective of her current life circumstances. ***The first part of this sermon didn’t get recorded so we added the text for you to read.***

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The Marks of the Lord Jesus

In Paul’s closing to the churches in Galatia, he emphasizes again that the importance of keeping the life and death of Jesus at the center of everything.

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Guarding our Freedom

In the process of arguing for guarding the Freedom in Christ for the Gentile converts in Galatia, Paul uses an allegory about Hagar. Here we explore the reasons Paul might have used this particular allegory as well as the limits of this allegory.

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All Of You Are One

Terri discusses the difference between living by faith (covenant trust) versus relying on rules, and the ways anxiety impacts our faith life. She also digs into the radical inclusion of the early church and how that challenges us today.

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Intro to Galatians

Terri introduces our new year-long series by giving an overview of the book of Galatians and talking about the way we approach the Bible.

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Hospitality in Flesh

Jesus came in a human body to be with us in the flesh, and to demonstrate the kind of hospitality that he has in mind for us. This means that our bodies are dignified by the presence of God, and that we can rely on Jesus to empower those bodies to love the way he loved.

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1 Cor 15: 29-58

We are called to be people who demonstrate resurrection, calling life from death.

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