Sermons on “Hospitality”

Hospitality in Flesh

Jesus came in a human body to be with us in the flesh, and to demonstrate the kind of hospitality that he has in mind for us. This means that our bodies are dignified by the presence of God, and that we can rely on Jesus to empower those bodies to love the way he loved.

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Hospitality – John Murray

John Murray shares about some recent experiences of hospitality during a missions trip to Belfast and Detroit. Instead of providing hospitality out of duty, John encourages us to show hospitality with the expectation that we will have a profound divine encounter.

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Sodom and Gomorrah – Terri Churchill

The story of Sodom and Gomorrah in the book of Genesis has often been read in such a way where the main point is completely missed. Terri shows that in this story, God is communicating his desire for his people to show hospitality to the stranger and vulnerable.

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The Good Samaritan – Terri Churchill

Terri goes through the parable of the Good Samaritan to show that offering and receiving help can be messy but still good. Since we can find ourselves in each of the characters within the parable, Terri shows how much there is to glean from this story if we are attentive.

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An Unexpected Twist – John Murray

John Murray shares how God can catch us off guard with his acts of unexpected grace and hospitality, and that we are to mirror this aspect of God’s good nature.

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