Sermons in “Say What?”

Cross Vision – Greg Boyd

Greg Boyd shares his journey discovering the “cruciform hermeneutic,” which is a way to read the violent Old Testament portraits of God through the lens of Jesus’ crucifixion. Generations of Christians have drawn on these violent divine portraits to justify their own violence, war, and genocide. Yet, as the fullest revelation of God’s character, Jesus taught and lived a life of non-violent, enemy-love, culminating on his self-sacrifical death on the cross.

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Job – Bonnie St. Jean

The story of Job is one of the most misunderstood sections of the Bible and often over simplified and misconstrued to make God into a moral monster. Bonnie St. Jean addresses the conundrum posed in Job’s story and uncovers its central proposition. It was not written to prove that everything happens for a reason, or that adversities are created to form our character, but rather, our experience of evil comes from a complex web of choices brought on by numerous free wills.

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The Conquest Narratives – Terri Churchill

How do you reconcile the Old Testament God who commands genocidal conquest with the God revealed in Jesus Christ? Through the story of the Israelite conquest of Jericho, Terri shows how to read the conquest narratives honestly and faithfully while still discovering the self-sacrificial, enemy loving God revealed through Jesus.

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By Whose Power – Chris Senkler

Moses was excluded from setting foot in the Promised Land because he supported God’s end goals yet was unwilling to follow the means God commanded to get to those ends. Moses trusted in his own strength and wisdom to achieve the end result that he believed God wanted. God desires for His people to follow God’s means and ways and allow for God to accomplish His goals by his wisdom and strength.

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Fiery Furnace – Josias Hansen

The story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego has inspired countless martyrs to remain faithful to their convictions in the face of horrific persecution. Yet, the faithfulness of God must be seen as the central focus in this story. We can remain faithful, because we know that God will remain faithful to us through it all.

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The Flood – Abby LeMaire

Many Christians grew up hearing the story of Noah and the flood in a very sanitized, kid-friendly way. People have even pegged the narrative as a kid’s story! Yet, after digging deeper, it’s clear that the story’s violent portrayal of God requires some explanation. How does this story reveal the God we know in Christ Jesus?

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Sodom and Gomorrah – Terri Churchill

The story of Sodom and Gomorrah in the book of Genesis has often been read in such a way where the main point is completely missed. Terri shows that in this story, God is communicating his desire for his people to show hospitality to the stranger and vulnerable.

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Give Us a King – Chris Senkler

God intended to rule his people directly, and not to have his people be ruled by a human king. However, the people of Israel wanted to have a king just like the other nations around them. This narrative was a crucial turning point to understand the rest of the Old Testament and it helps us see the role Jesus plays as the last human King of Israel, while also handing this position back to God.

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Abraham & Isaac – Terri Churchill

The near sacrifice of Isaac, known as the Akedah, is a very troubling story for modern readers. Was God truly testing Abraham’s faith through asking him to murder his son? What was Isaac’s perspective of this experience? Terri wrestles with the text and highlights its difficulties as well as its beauties.

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Wrestling with God – Terri Churchill

Through the story of Jacob wrestling with God, Terri shows how
God’s people are to wrestle with God as we try to discern the depth and
meaning of Scripture.

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