Sermons on “Incarnation”

Hospitality in Flesh

Jesus came in a human body to be with us in the flesh, and to demonstrate the kind of hospitality that he has in mind for us. This means that our bodies are dignified by the presence of God, and that we can rely on Jesus to empower those bodies to love the way he loved.

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Jesus Came to Show Us Who God Is.

We start our Advent series by looking at how Jesus reveals to us the true nature of God.

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1 Corinthians 4:18-5:13

Paul’s letter to the Corinthians shifts into its second section, which deals with what it means to be free in Christ. Bonnie introduces the idea of Christian liberty and examines Paul’s teaching on how to handle serious sin in a congregation.

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Costly Incarnation

The incarnation required Christ to pay an immense cost by leaving his heavenly position and emptying himself of limitless power in exchange for mortal flesh, earthly limitations, and the human experience of pain and loss. He came not as kings typically come with pomp and power, but instead, as a vulnerable baby, in the most humble of circumstances. Paul uses this image in the Christ Hymn found in Philippians 2 not just to praises this act, but also to encourage Christ followers to walk in the loving way of Jesus, emptying ourselves for the sake of others.

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