Sermons in “Covenant and Common Prayer: Luke”

Deep Water

Peter had been fishing all night with nothing to show for it when Jesus asked him if he could preach from his boat. Then he told him to row out to deep water. How do we cope when God invites us to painful and difficult ministry when we’re already exhausted? Terri shares about Luke 5:1-11 from the perspective of her current life circumstances. ***The first part of this sermon didn’t get recorded so we added the text for you to read.***

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The Church in Ecuador

Joetta shares her experiences from the learning trip to Ecuador.

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The Messianic Secret

We examine why demons were announcing Christ’s identity, and why Jesus instructed people not to tell people about Him prior to the Triumphal Entry.

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Luke 4:1-13

Luke tells the story of Jesus’ 40 days in the wilderness and his encounter there with the devil. Bonnie discussed Jesus’ victory over evil, the broader symbolism of the three temptations the devil presents, whether it was possible for Jesus to sin, and what this story means for our own experience of temptation.

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