Sermons on “Spiritual Warfare”

Luke 4:1-13

Luke tells the story of Jesus’ 40 days in the wilderness and his encounter there with the devil. Bonnie discussed Jesus’ victory over evil, the broader symbolism of the three temptations the devil presents, whether it was possible for Jesus to sin, and what this story means for our own experience of temptation.

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Freedom – Josias Hansen

For our third Sunday of Advent, Josias digs into the freedom the Israelites were craving from their national oppressors. They waited for the Messiah to come and triumph over all their nationalistic oppressors, but instead, Jesus provided the true freedom from their ultimate oppressor and broke their chains of sin and death through his life, death and resurrection. As we hunger for this true freedom, we can now experience Christ’s freedom in becoming the people God created us to be.

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Blessing – Chris Senkler

For this second Sunday of Advent, Chris reflects on our hunger for the blessing of Christ. This hunger was felt by all the nations, and God responded by blessing every tribe and tongue through Christ.

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Love and War – Covenant and Spiritual Warfare

Paul Eddy teaches on how our theology around covenant interacts with our theology of spiritual warfare.

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