Sermons by “Terri Churchill”

Captive Thoughts

As we begin a new series focused on surrender for the purposes of transformation, Terri focuses on the importance of offering our thought life up to God.

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The Discipline of Hope: Anna and Simeon

Terri used the characters of Anna and Simeon to discuss the spiritual discipline of maintaining hope when we’re tempted to slip into hopelessness.

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You are not disqualified -Terri Churchill

Mary was an unlikely candidate to be chosen as the God-bearer. She said yes despite the danger, her youth, the risk to her marriage, and the societal assumptions that would have disqualified her as “Theotokos”. What if God is inviting each of us to bear him into the world, despite all of the things we assume will disqualify us?

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Students of Covenant

As we continue in our series on growing a kingdom culture, Terri shared some thoughts about how we can all grow in our covenant commitment to be learners. Are there ways for us to learn outside of our comfort zone? Lets have eyes to see and ears to hear what the Holy Spirit is teaching us. 

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Submission – Terri Churchill

Terri acknowledges the way that submission has been misused and misunderstood by the church and undermined by the larger culture while exploring a Biblical and covenantal understanding of the word. Are you ready to lay down the heavy burden of always having to get your own way?

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Blessing – Terri Churchill

Terri begins to unpack elements of our Third Way Covenant that contribute to a healthy environment where the Kingdom of God grows and flourishes among us. ‘Blessing’ is the first covenant commitment we’re examining. How does the practice of blessing grow the Kingdom of God, and how can we resist the dominant culture characterized by the very opposite of blessing: cursing?

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The Conquest Narratives – Terri Churchill

How do you reconcile the Old Testament God who commands genocidal conquest with the God revealed in Jesus Christ? Through the story of the Israelite conquest of Jericho, Terri shows how to read the conquest narratives honestly and faithfully while still discovering the self-sacrificial, enemy loving God revealed through Jesus.

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Sodom and Gomorrah – Terri Churchill

The story of Sodom and Gomorrah in the book of Genesis has often been read in such a way where the main point is completely missed. Terri shows that in this story, God is communicating his desire for his people to show hospitality to the stranger and vulnerable.

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Abraham & Isaac – Terri Churchill

The near sacrifice of Isaac, known as the Akedah, is a very troubling story for modern readers. Was God truly testing Abraham’s faith through asking him to murder his son? What was Isaac’s perspective of this experience? Terri wrestles with the text and highlights its difficulties as well as its beauties.

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Wrestling with God – Terri Churchill

Through the story of Jacob wrestling with God, Terri shows how
God’s people are to wrestle with God as we try to discern the depth and
meaning of Scripture.

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