Sermons on “Law”

Galatians 6:1-10

Paul begins wrapping up his letter to the Galatians with practical advice for how to live in love through faith. He advises a model of both communal accountability and individual responsibility for sin. Bonnie discussed how we put this advice into practice to pursue a disciplined life of freedom in Christ that is better than any rules-based religion can be.

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Guarding our Freedom

In the process of arguing for guarding the Freedom in Christ for the Gentile converts in Galatia, Paul uses an allegory about Hagar. Here we explore the reasons Paul might have used this particular allegory as well as the limits of this allegory.

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Galatians 4:1-11

Paul continues explaining to the church in Galatia what it means to be saved through faith, not compliance with the Old Testament law or any other set of rules and rituals. He uses adoption as a metaphor and urges his readers not to regress to relying on law to relate to God. Bonnie discussed how Christians should examine whether our own habits and practices are good for our faith and how the Holy Spirit brings us a rest and reassurance in our relationship with God that rules can’t provide.

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The Old Testament and the Law

Paul continues explaining to the church in Galatia why Christians are not bound by the Old Testament law. He addresses questions about why the law was given and how it functioned. Bonnie discussed how Christians should relate to the Old Testament today and how love fulfills the law.

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The Role of the Law

We take a look at how the decision reached in Acts 15 laid the groundwork for the Book of Galatians.

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