Sermons by “Josias Hansen”

Father, Forgive Them – Josias Hansen

Josias expounds on Jesus’ powerful prayer from the cross for God to forgive those who abandoned, shamed, and tortured him. Within this short prayer, we can see the heart of God as being other-oriented, self-sacrificial, and enemy-loving. Furthermore, we discover that one of the most important dimensions of the atonement is that Jesus took on our sin and freed us from the kingdom of darkness which enslaves us to sin.

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Parables and Soils – Josias Hansen

Josias explains why Jesus spoke in parables and examines the Parable of the Soils to show that Jesus doesn’t just want us to hear his messages, but to let them take root in us and bear fruit in our lives.

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Freedom – Josias Hansen

For our third Sunday of Advent, Josias digs into the freedom the Israelites were craving from their national oppressors. They waited for the Messiah to come and triumph over all their nationalistic oppressors, but instead, Jesus provided the true freedom from their ultimate oppressor and broke their chains of sin and death through his life, death and resurrection. As we hunger for this true freedom, we can now experience Christ’s freedom in becoming the people God created us to be.

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Ask Seek Knock – Josias Hansen

When Jesus teaches that we are to ask, seek, and knock, he is not talking about getting material possessions from God. He’s talking about the kingdom. If we want God’s kingdom, God is ready to give it. He won’t trick us, nor force feed it to us, but his desire is that we receive it, find it and enter it.

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Treasures – Terri Churchill

By digging into Jesus’ teachings in Matthew 6:19-34, Terri explains that we are God’s treasures and when we learn to treasure all that God treasures, we can live with less worry and anxiety.

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Feasting Through Fasting – Josias Hansen

Josias shows that God is not wanting us to suppress our hedonistic desires, but to correctly aim them to find their ultimate fulfillment in God. Thus, when we fast, it is not simply a practice of self-denial, but rather a time for our souls to feast upon the goodness of God.

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Moving from Law to Love – Josias Hansen

Josias makes the point that Jesus did not simply make a new law. The context surrounding Jesus’ teaching on the Law points to the fact that what Jesus taught and enacted was far different from and far greater than the Mosaic law.

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It’s Go Time – Josias Hansen

Josias Hansen shares about his recent vacation and the sense that God is saying, “It’s go time.”

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Infant and Child Dedication

On this special gathering, the church dedicated seven children to God, Danny and Amanda Churchill sang a special song, and Josias talked about what it means for Third Way to be a “Home.”

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Multivoiced Learning – Josias Hansen

Josias Hansen presents on how the church can be a learning community which emphasizes discipleship and spiritual growth. This takes place when churches focus on effective learning and maturity rather than on proficient preaching.

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