Sermons on “Reconciliation”

Accountability in Community

Resisting the appeal of passivity, confronting disagreement among friends:
It’s important that we, in community together, hold one another accountable and confront disagreement rather than let it fester. Wrestling with difference is a difficult, but important aspect of a covenant community. When doing so, as Paul writes here, it is most important to hold the relationship and trust above all – and not just connections, but intimate relationship.

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Loving Our Enemies – Greg Boyd

Greg Boyd shares that the perfect picture of God’s love is demonstrated in Jesus’ self-sacrificial act of love on the cross for his enemies. Thus, when Jesus teaches in the Sermon on the Mount to love our enemies, he actually means it. Instead of retaliating against our enemies, followers of Jesus are to see our enemies as having unsurpassable worth, and to love them in the same way Jesus demonstrates his love for us.

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Moving from Law to Love – Josias Hansen

Josias makes the point that Jesus did not simply make a new law. The context surrounding Jesus’ teaching on the Law points to the fact that what Jesus taught and enacted was far different from and far greater than the Mosaic law.

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Tasty and Bright – Terri Churchill

Terri Churchill brings out the profound meaning of Jesus’ claim that his followers are the salt and light of the world.

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Catholic-Mennonite Relations – Joetta Schlabach

Joetta Schlabach, pastor of Faith Mennonite Church, shares how her engagement with Roman Catholics has affected her life and faith.

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India & Reconciliation

John Murray shares about his mission trip to India and then shares about our calling to make reconciliation the center of our work.

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Multivoiced Community – Chris Senkler

Chris Senkler shares some of the ins and outs of being a multivoiced community.

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Playing a Supporting Role – Josias Hansen

Josias Hansen shares how we shouldn’t think of ourselves as the main character in our lives, but rather as a supporting character in a grand story about God and his kingdom.

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