Sermons in “None”

Hospitality – John Murray

John Murray shares about some recent experiences of hospitality during a missions trip to Belfast and Detroit. Instead of providing hospitality out of duty, John encourages us to show hospitality with the expectation that we will have a profound divine encounter.

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Household Codes

The Frogtown House Church shows how subversive the New Testament household codes were in their historical context. In Christ, the relationships are transformed between master and slave, husband and wife, parent and child.

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Psalms For A New Year – Terri Churchill

Terri reflects on the events of the last year, both the good and the bad, and shows that the Psalms are a great biblical example of how to praise God as we recollect the past blessings, difficulties and atrocities.

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It’s Go Time – Josias Hansen

Josias Hansen shares about his recent vacation and the sense that God is saying, “It’s go time.”

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Examen: Praying With Gratitude And Intention – Terri Churchill

Terri Churchill shares about Saint Ignatius’ Daily Examen and how practicing it can help bring greater clarity and peace to our lives.

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Prayer and Lament Service

In the wake of violence and outrage taking place in our neighborhood and nation, Third Way held a prayer and lament service with a few special guests, including T.C. Ranzy, pastor of Words of Eternal Life Ministries.

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Infant and Child Dedication

On this special gathering, the church dedicated seven children to God, Danny and Amanda Churchill sang a special song, and Josias talked about what it means for Third Way to be a “Home.”

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The Work of the Holy Spirit – Ervin Stutzman

Ervin Stuzman talks about the leading of the Holy Spirit, and the process of renewing our minds in order to walk in step with the Spirit.

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The Atonement – Bonnie St. Jean

Bonnie St. Jean shares a few of the more popular Atonement theories, and tells why she favors the Christus Victor model over the rest.

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