Sermons by “Terri Churchill”

1 Corinthians 14: 1 – 25

In this Scripture passage, Paul has a lot to say about the gift of tongues relative to the gift of prophesy. This isn’t something we talk about very much anymore. What are these gifts and what are they for? Dave and Terri share some insights from their own experiences and challenge us to be open to the gifts God might want to give us.

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1 Corinthians 9: 1-29

The Christian Life should not be preoccupied with protecting or demanding our “rights” but rather we should be willing to sacrifice our prerogatives for the sake of others. Hear why Paul might have refused to accept pay for his ministry and what that has to do with us.

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1 Corinthians 7: 17 – 24

In a world that is designed to make us hungry for something better, we always have an opportunity to serve God right where we are. Nothing has to be different for you to show up for the life God has for you.

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1 Corinthians 6: 1 – 16

In this passage of Scripture, Paul scolds the Corinthian church for taking other Christians to court. Find out what this means for us today and why it matters for our relationships and our witness.

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Clouds and fire

Terri recalls the Exodus account and the pillars of cloud and fire to show how God is faithful to lead and guide us even when we experience ourselves as wandering in the wilderness.

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Covenant Family

As part of our covenant celebration, Terri talks about Paul’s metaphors around family in the book of 1 Corinthians, and shares a covenant blessing.

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1 Corinthians 3: 1-23

Planting a field and working to construct a building form the basis of the surprising reality that God has made his home among us. Terri unpacks these two metaphors that Paul uses to confront the Corinthians church over divisions and quarrels.

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Third Way Collective Rhythm Wrap-up

Terri reviews our Third Way Collective Prayer Rhythm, shares how this practice has looked for her, and invited the community to share their stories and ask any questions they might have.

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The final part of our collective prayer rhythm involves reflecting on our day with a focus on forgiveness. When Jesus taught us to pray, he placed a special emphasis on our responsibility to forgive as a response to the forgiveness we have received from God. Terri walks us through an evening prayer practice to help us with this difficult practice.

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Third Way Collective Rhythm Introduction

This lent, Third Way is focusing on establishing a collective rhythm to pray through each day based upon The Lord’s Prayer. Terri introduces the importance of approaching this work as a corporate body rather than a collection of individuals, and then helps us think through how habits are formed and sustained.

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