Sermons by “Abby LeMaire”
The Flood – Abby LeMaire
July 23, 2017 Abby LeMaire God's Mercy, Grace, Interpreting Scripture, Judgment, Nature of God Genesis 6-9 Say What?
Many Christians grew up hearing the story of Noah and the flood in a very sanitized, kid-friendly way. People have even pegged the narrative as a kid’s story! Yet, after digging deeper, it’s clear that the story’s violent portrayal of God requires some explanation. How does this story reveal the God we know in Christ Jesus?
View SermonMoney and the Kingdom – Marc and Abby LeMaire
July 3, 2016 Abby LeMaire, Marc LeMaire Consumerism, Finances, Individualism, Kingdom Matthew 6:24-27 Vox Pop
As Marc and Abby LeMaire wrestle through how God would want them to use their money, they discover that the proper use of money demonstrates God’s mercy and grace.
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